remember back in 2009 when WhatsApp was launched, many were those who had to beg for invitations from their friends in order to join the platform. Gradually, the messaging app was made open to the public without the need for invitation. it wasn’t long after when the company decided to charge uses for the app. For less than a dollar, we could enjoy WhatsApp for a whole year.
On February 19, 2014, Facebook Inc. acquired WhatsApp for approximately US$19.3 billion. By early January 2015, WhatsApp had 700 million monthly active users with over 30 billion messages being sent every day. In April 2015, Forbes predicted that between 2012 and 2018, the telecommunications industry will lose a combined total of $386 billion because of OTT services like WhatsApp and Skype.
On February 19, 2014, Facebook Inc. acquired WhatsApp for approximately US$19.3 billion. By early January 2015, WhatsApp had 700 million monthly active users with over 30 billion messages being sent every day. In April 2015, Forbes predicted that between 2012 and 2018, the telecommunications industry will lose a combined total of $386 billion because of OTT services like WhatsApp and Skype.