Prof.Alexa Thomas to Buhari-shut down Nigeria embassy in UK within 48hours or else.

Nigerian Embassy UK Will Be On Fire If Buhari Fails To Shut It Down In 48hrs – Prof. Alexia Thomas

Professor Alexia Thomas, a Nigerian-born, British fiery Human Rights Activist who doubles as Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP), a registered political party in United Kingdom (UK) and President, Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC), has issued a-48 hour ultimatum to President Muhammadu Buhari to order a complete close-down of Nigerian Embassy in London as a result of unchecked corruption, fraud, illegal arrest, criminal torture of Nigerians arrested, detained in various British Immigration Centers across the Queen’s enclave awaiting deportation. In this encounter, she revealed a formidable uprising and protests already in the works by Nigerian community in UK to set ablaze ‘Nigerian House’ as a reactionary sign to tell the world how officials of Nigerian Embassy trade every Nigerian deportee for the sum of 3,000 Pounds in the hands of UK Border Agency. Also, she narrated the conspiracy between British Immigration and UK Border Agency which led to her ‘prison notes’ for fighting for Nigerians’ freedom.

Can you tell us what has been happening to Nigerian community in United Kingdom lately?

Insanity and obscenity is presently on-going here in London. I got a phone call from a Nigerian young man who has been resident in United Kingdom in
the past 20 years. I think he has seen some national newspapers’ articles that ‘No Nigerian should be Deported from UK’. The Nigerian community read
the articles and sensitized their minds where I said freedom and sovereignty are institutions that are non-negotiable as rights of the people. Freedom is when you allow the will to determine the destinies of the generality, while sovereignty is when you allow your will to determine your own destiny upon yourself. And freedom is unlocking the code of knowledge. Every person in the Commonwealth has been crying for freedom.

Since I have unlocked the code of knowledge, we have given them the freedom automatically. The knowledge they lack and the knowledge that is unlocked with the International Bill of Patriot Mandate, IBOPM, sanity is becoming the order of the day. As such, many people have been calling the office of the Independent Diplomat Commission, IDC, which is powered by The Commonwealth Liberation Party, TCLP, since both of them are in alliance. We said to them: ‘when a system that parades the greatest abuse is oppressive injustice, chartered by law, then such situation silence voice of justice’. Reasons being that leadership insanity wants to destroy, wreck and burn humanity. For the first time, we will use humanity formula, we will use mathematical formula to solve this illusion.

A white man should know that freedom has been given to the colored people. The white man should know that freedom of the colored people is for the
colored people irrespective of where they are domiciled. Like I earlier said, freedom is unlocking the code of knowledge. The knowledge we give
the people means that for the first time, people can change their own destinies, by so doing they become wise. And through this educative wisdom, it means that the white man can no longer abuse the colored people. The knowledge the colored people have acquired is an awakening in their subconsciousness which no one can take away from them. This invariably translates: ‘the colored people are more intelligent than the whites.’ The whites had been the masters holding the whip all the while, but for the first time, this same whip will be taken away from them and handed over to the colored people. As it is, the white man will be whipped heavily because they have stupidly, foolishly, disgracefully and gullibly brought shame to the British kingdom. Since the spirits of the greatest in the British empire are awake for war, this era of white supremacy will be put to shame. The children of this British Empire of the 21st Century, have brought shame upon this kingdom. The spirit of Queen Elizabeth, ghost of King George and ancestors that founded the Commonwealth nation are at war with their children (British kingdom).

Can you kindly shed more illustration on this revelation?

For the first time, the ancestors of this land from their voices in the graves, I brought their message to this physical world. Their message to me to pass unto the physical world is: ‘We are at war with our children’. The gods and the spirits of the lands are angry, because the children of grace must be at peace. So, it is not just giving them that silly piece of traveling documentation, but their wasted destinies will be remunerated. For every son of Commonwealth nation, who has come to this land of Britain and spent a minimum of One year of their lives having evidence that they paid British Home Office money, that is justice-robbery. When British Home Office refused to hand out to these Commonwealth people their various traveling papers, that is another clear case of justice-robbery. For those actions which borders on illegality by British government, each son of Commonwealth (each Nigerian child) will be paid the sum of 250,000 pounds a year, multiply by the number of years they were not allowed to stay in this country. The piece of paper as Visa and passport are nothing, since they are valid nothing.

Visa is a sham, immigration pass is a sham, immigration law is a sham. The ancestors said: ‘even when we give your passport, which is your right to travel that cannot be withdrawn,’ The scenario is synonymous to animal kingdom where people live by a lifestyle that s not orderly. Nature tells where to go and where not to go to find their sustenance. By investigation, I realized that the fish moved from one location to the other. It is akin to lion in the animal kingdom where there is so much boldness and confidence. The fixed animals that have no brain would think they had no means to travel and turn their destinies around. No one can limit someone else’s liberty to travel freewill. As mush as initiated the British Immigration policy are mentally unwell.

The colored people should know that the ancestors have spoken: ‘We will give you the Visa, traveling documents, we will give you passport’, the border shall be opened. By the time you get your passport, it means nothing-throw it under your bed. We shall give you (colored people) the honour, because the voice from the spirit world says ‘Fear Not’. For that whip they laid on you, you are entitled to 250,000 pounds a year, multiplied by the number of year you were denied your rights to stay in this greatest land. You are children, you are Commonwealth, you are blood, you are heritage. Fear no fears on this fund. As long as this came forward from Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexis Thomas; then all are in order. This mean we have applied the formula, this formula will be divided by the ruling ratio. Ruling ratio simply means if ‘Rooney’ the footballers can earn 350,000 pounds a week for playing ‘rubbish football’, that brings nothing positive to humanity; if Rooney-an illiterate can earn 350,000 pounds a week, how much can you pay to a man whom one year of his life had been wasted? The 250,000 pounds a year, a commonwealth citizen is to collect is not up to the 350,000 pounds a week. That is what is called ‘Magna Carta Compensation Scheme’. The principles of Magna Carta had been breached, Magna Carta had been broken. Magna Carta is a man’s free will to be free irrespective of the circumstance he found himself. King George, the father of freedom settled the rights of the Commonwealth citizens in the 12th Century. Magna Carta was the law founded by the year 1215. Magna Carta gave UK their rights as free people. That was when UK was free, been a right to become a free citizen of the world. Since the day that right of Magna Carta became an instrument of law, members of Commonwealth assumed the status of freedom. From that 12 the Century, the Commonwealth citizens had freed themselves. 800 years later, Magna Carta had been breached. The spirit of Magna Carta and ghost of King George are at war with their children (British Empire).

The British Empire thinks the Commonwealth people are servants and slaves, so they can continue to kill them, destroy them and dehumanize them the way they did them in the 10,000 Century. All the atrocities they did to the Commonwealth people in the 11th Century ago had come to an end because the code of knowledge had been unlocked for the good of humanity. For once, the spirits of the gods must appeased. The only way that can be done is; every Commonwealth citizens who had been deported since 1965 to 2018 should put all their books together, because the Magna Carta Compensation Scheme will be coming to them in 2018. Every Nigerian man or woman who find themselves in this crises will be adequately compensated.

Can you take us through the scandal rocking Nigerian Embassy UK?

We know the British authorities are busy organizing their ‘Cobra meetings’. We are also busy studying the situation to know how to create a formula- mathematical formula to find a solution. I received a phone call from some distress Nigerians already detained by British Immigration that a Nigerian lady called Mrs. Ngere, Deputy Immigration Officer at Nigerian Embassy came into British Immigration Detention Center, having gone around other Immigration Centers earlier. Ngere gathered those Nigerians in each British Immigration Detention Center as a flock, with obvious happiness and relief on faces of those Nigerians. Those detained Nigerians had the feeling that at last another high-ranking Nigerian from the Embassy had come to help them diplomatically. Ngere’s response was: ‘You are a Nigerian, you need to return to Nigeria’. Unfortunately, she issued Traveling Document, TC, to British Immigration to deport Nigerians, even after they (the Nigerians) protested. We believe Ngere could not have come there so boldly without the support of her boss (Chief Immigration Officer). I believe Ngere and the Chief Immigration Officer are traitors to the Nigerian people. It is a huge shame that Ngere for several years have been living on blood-money by regularly collecting 3,000 pounds per Deportee, head, issues Traveling Certificates to UK Border Agency. Our investigation confirmed that the British Government are no aware of this scandal, as names of these detained Nigerians to be deported are written on UK Border Agency document showing every deported Nigerians were handed the sum of 3,000 pounds each; where as this sum was always collected and blown by officials of Nigerian Embassy, while deported Nigerians are never allowed to remove their properties, nor given a dime.

Why did you give stern warning to Richard Branson?

I am using this medium to openly warn Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic to steer clear from getting involved in this diplomatic crisis that is between Nigerians and Nigeria. We are warning him to ensure that none of his flights or pilot is allowed to convey Nigerian deportees to Nigeria on November 24,2015. If his pilots violate this Commonwealth treaty IBOM charter, he will be arrested, faces prosecution and be jailed. We are fully ready to legally fight him fight him from Nigerian courts to the highest World Court.

What is your message to Nigerian Federal Government?

I ask them to resign from that job at Nigerian Embassy in the next 72 hours, because Nigerian uprising will stand shortly. And if Nigerian uprising stands, the Nigerian Embassy UK will need to be closed down. Due to the illegal act of Ngere, Nigerian Federal Government is automatically ordered to close down Nigerian Embassy here in UK in 72 hours for the time being; thereby giving us enough time to resolve this madness. We want to use the formula of International Federalistic Political Approach. Nigerian House ought to be a house of safety. But from indications enumerated, the decoy is not a safety. That woman will need to be disrobed. Even though it was a declaration that ‘Nigerians should no longer be Deported’ as Cobra-meeting is on course, what gave Ngere the power to go British Detention and meet Nigerians there? Nigerians there are lamenting, while Ngere said they should go back home. One of the detained Nigerians summed up courage to ask Ngere, ‘Have you see what Professor Alexia Thomas has done for us? She replied: ‘She collected one of the national newspaper publication and promised to read it. She said she will go through the publication. Ngere is automatically guilty of criminal offense. Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs need to call-back Ngere’s appointment, arrest and prosecute her for being an espionage, traitor, betrayal. Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari should honor our 72 hours ultimatum and shut Nigerian Embassy, if not no one should held responsible when Nigerian protesters, protesters and angry Nigerians set fire on Nigerian House. If Buhari refuses: then don’t blame us in any way.

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