1. You are a millionaire watching your neighbours suffering to eat, but you said to yourself "I WORKED FOR MY MONEY".. THEY SHOULD WORK FOR THIERS". Let me ask you this, DID YOU WORK FOR GOD'S BLESSING? Vanity Upon Vanity.--                                                                      2. You are a proud owner of 10 different storey buildings, but your extended families have no where to sleep, some cannot afford to pay for their rents, but you said to yourself "THEY CANT LIVE IN MY MANSION". You forgot that if God did not build the house, you will just labor in vain. Vanity Upon Vanity.-                                                          -3. You are the governor of our beloved state, whenever you aredriving by, the road must be cleared with your siren blaring and your security beating by passers just for your sake. You said to yourself "I AM A GOVERNOR, THEY SHOULD RESPECT ME" You forgot these same people you are beating voted for you. Vanity upon vanity.---                    4. You are a married man, ever since your married your wife you have not make her happy for once, she is your slave and your punching bag, you prefer to spend on other ladies than her, you said to yourself "SHE IS OLD AND BREAST HAS FALLEN . You forgot she gave birth to your children and raise them for you. The same woman that you were begging for her phone number? Now she is no more cute to you? That lady you are running after will soon suffer the same. Vanity upon vanity.---                           5. You are a married woman, just because you are beautiful you're husband cannot talk to you again. The attention you are getting outside is fueling your ego. You said to yourself "GUYSARE ALWAYS AFTER ME! THEY SHOWER ME WITH PRAISES AND GIFTS. Though your husband is not earning that much, you forgot he saved his money to pay for your bride price. Age will soon catch up with you. Vanity upon vanity.---                                                   6. You are the boss of a very big company. You are maltreating your workers. You will always delay their salaries. You sack anybody at will, right or wrong. You said to yourself"I AM THE BOSS". You forgot you were once working under somebody and you are still working under the son. Vanity upon vanity.---                                      7. You spend lavishly in the city but your parents are dying in the village. Your children will do the same for you when the time comes.---                                                                                                                   8. You have 20 pair of trousers, 30 shirts with different shoes, but yet, your closest friends are wearing rags. You said yourself "FINGERS ARE NOT EQUAL" You forgot we will all be equal in our grave. No clothes No shoes. Vanity!---                                                                                                                    9. You are a very rich pastor with private jets to your name, yetyour church members are suffering. Out of their poverty they still afford tithe and offering. You said to yourself "I AM A MANOF GOD" You forgot Jesus fed 5,000 people. Jesus turned water to wine for his guest. Jesus was humble. "For the meek shall inherit the earth. Vanity.                                                                                                               !10. VANITY UPON VANITY.---God is watching us. One day we will account for all our deeds. Repent. May God help us all. Amen.

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