Just as there are some words which we must not quit
using, there are also a group of words that must not be
used if we really care about our neighbours(and we all
Words like I always say have a way they get to us.
Repeating a certain word or sending a particular idea with
some synonymous words would over time tell on our
psyche. So in short,there are some words which you must
try by all means possible to avoid their usage. And you are
right on time as I would share a few(not all,but a few,so
feel free to share with me using the share area after this
Seven words you must avoid using.
1. You cant make it.: to start with you’re not God.
How on earth do you know the end from the
beginning. You don’t tell anybody he/she cant
make it in their endeavour. When you tell anybody
they cant make it, you belittle the persons ability
and capabilities. Do not look down on anybody (to
the point of knowing what they cant do). Although
the future seems bleak today, within the twinkle of
an eyes, things do change.
2. it’s impossible: Who told you? There’s nothing
called impossible, like someone said the word
itself is I’m-possible. In his book ‘tough times
never last but tough people do’ Robert Schuller
instructed, “do not surrender leadership to
fears,faults,frenzies, faces, facts”etc. saying its
impossible because of something you know is
surrendering leadership to facts,if its not possible
because of someone,you’re probably surrendering
leadership to faces, and so on. A person of your
personality should not be heard seen the non
possible part of things, worst of all,saying it to
people. Once you believe nothing is impossible,it
becomes true for you. “a man who says’ he can’t
is right…the man who say he can is also
right….It’s in the mind”
3. You failed again: Stop counting how much times
he has failed, Instead remind him how often he has
been outstanding. ..telling people they have failed
or have always failed would dampen their morale
in more ways than one. While a very few people
(like me) will seldom pick this line as a challenge
sometimes, many other people would not. Don’t be
surprised when you hear of somebody who
commits suicide because he was told he is a
failure, it’s that bad. Try hard as much as possible
to always be the bearer of good news and a
lightening mood.
4. I hate you: Actually,this shouldn’t get to one
who has a good self esteem. But how do you
identify one who is suffering from depression? If
one has a good self esteem and is going through
tough times and you make such a
statement,you’ve given such a person a ticket to
the grave. It’s not courtesy to tell someone you
hate them. Silence is golden,when you don’t like
anybody,then you keep it to yourself. If the person
is one with areal bad attitude he/she would rub it
back on you and you would be embarrassed. A
fight might even ensue, and you have succeeded in
belittling yourself. Telling people you hate them
can also make them feel depressed,so watch it.
5. Nobody cares,You’re a nobody,you are mad…etc:
all of these are words that must not be heard from
you, if your tongue is actually the helm of your life
(it is) then the only thing that must be heard from
you must be positive and affirmative. Try to make
your day to day speech be on that will uplift the
hearer and not the opposite. These words can
send people to early grave(literally) make them
feel depressed,make them feel rejected,etc. you
might think you are just joking whilst using any of
this,but more than jokes are the results you would
There are lots of words you must not use on
people,however,I’d stop here, in your day to day
life,you would figure out more of them by the reactions
of people around you. And once you mistakenly use
these words,don’t hesitate to apologize and reaffirm
your love,care and support for the individual, this
would go a long way in easing the supposed pain you
would have caused.
Over to you,what do you think about these, what words
have you really felt bad about when used on you?
Have your say below…

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