Things men do that make woman fall deeper in love

Here is a list of things men should do that women really adore.
1. Planning is amazing
When a man plans, it’s almost as exciting as him proposing. Whether he organises a date, a weekend trip and an afternoon walk, all of it makes a woman happy. It shows her that he is capable of putting effort into her, and she likes it.
2. Being a great listener
Showing a woman that you’re a great listener is incredible. Remember things that the woman mentioned that she likes. Whether it’s flowers, a book, chocolates or jewellery, if you surprise your
woman, it makes her feel really special.
3. Show HER some vulnerability
It’s extraordinary when a man can openly and honestly talk about his feelings with you. When. he’s comfortable doing so, it’s great. It’s so great, it’s like winning the emotional lottery.
4. Please her in the bedroom
When a man can make it happen for a woman, how elated she is. A man, who wants to pleasure a woman, so she really enjoys herself, is how women define a good man. He gets an extra applause if it’s something he doesn’tordinarily like doing.
5. Cook for her
When a man knows his way around the kitchen and is capable and confident, it’s cute. Women are suckers for the look on his face when he means business with those vegetables. Cooking
takes patience and shows women that they are cherish-worthy.
6. Let’s go shopping
Let’s face it; sports are a popular hobby for most men. Well, shopping is a favourite pastime of many women. Shopping is to women what sports is to men. Shopping may not be good for
women’s wallets (or their man’s), and it certainly isn’t cardio, but it absolutely is fun. When a man can shop with you and give his opinion, he’s golden.
7. It’s okay to be nerdy
Am I the only woman who not-so-secretly thinks it’s really endearing when a man is curled up on his couch with his book? When he gets all geeked out and excited about something he is reading and is not ashamed of it, it is pretty adorable.
8. Compromise is key
How many times has your man done something. he doesn’t want to because you asked him to?When a man does something for his woman that he wouldn’t ordinarily want to do, it makes her heart melt. Being sweet and thoughtful always goes a long way. She so appreciates you doing something you’re not eager to.
9. Get all sporty
It’s nice to see men fired up and passionate about sports. In fact, it’s oddly exciting. When you are roaring at the TV and getting all riled up— it’s almost Intimate. When your eyes light up,you become quite desirable.
10. Kisses and caresses her
Being affectionate and sweet to women goes a long way. When a man is sweet to his woman —whether he puts his arm around her when she is not expecting it, hold her hand just because, or give her an excited kiss for no reason — her heart skips a beat.
11. Love her family
Some people have an unusual family. But, your. family is your family and you love them a lot.
When a man gets in close with the girl’s family and makes all family members love him, he’sextra fabulous.
12. It’s okay to be dominating
Dominating us makes us sizzle in all the right places. Every woman wants a little Fifty Shades of Grey in her life. There’s a time and a place to make love, and there’s a time and a place to be more aggressive. When the man know the difference, he can make us swoon.

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